Sunil Bastian in his Chairman’s message has set out the context within which CEPA and other civil society organisations have been operating in 2008, and much of this report is about how we engaged with the challenges that this context dealt out to us in 2008. If you read between the lines, especially the section on CEPA People, you will see what drives CEPA as an organisation – the interest in learning, the feeling of ownership (this is ‘our’ organisation), the need to contribute to change, especially change that leads to overcoming the injustice of poverty. In Azra’s words on the CEPA LUNCH TABLE (the CEPA Blog) “the CEPA culture for me is about having an amazing space (physically and intellectually) to do what I feel can to change poverty. It is about having an organisation that is ‘ours’ and shaping it to make the change we want to see happen”